Fluorite Tower *High Quality *
Spring clean your soul and clear out the junk from your mind with the fabulous healing properties of Fluorite. This stone is one of the worlds favorite aura cleansers and loves to clear out those smoky uncertainties so you can make decisions based on truth and clarity. For those who struggle with direction, who tend to hold themselves tethered by worry, and who need a little help in the self-love and confidence department, Fluorite brings fabulous healing properties to your physical, emotional, and spiritual wellbeing.
Along with clarity for the mind, Fluorite also loves bringing purity and clean health to the body. It’s a great stone for those who are wanting to detox as its energy is all about flushing out toxic thoughts, patterns, and behaviors including addictive issues too. Thanks to all its endless clean energy, Fluorite is also known as a great antiviral stone. When turned to at the beginning of viral symptoms, it can be used to help flush the body of infection before things take a turn.
Any bone related issue or problem with joints and tissue, Fluorite is also here to heal. It has been known to be particularly effective with problems like rheumatism and arthritis and is here to restore mobility issues and bring you back to the beauty of full and flourishing health.
One of the strongest qualities of the Fluorite stone is its uncanny ability to wave farewell to any ruminating negative energy. That’s not to say that Fluorite is all about positive whitewashing. This stone allows you to feel all your feels, but rather than drowning in thick emotion, it helps you to hold perspective, be objective, and not become a slave to catastrophic thinking. It can be a great aura cleanser and is always ready to align and rebalance those chakras. Depending on which style of Fluorite you choose will depend on which chakra gets the crystal healing treatment. Blue Fluorite is for the throat, Green is for the heart, Purple is for the spiritual third eye, and Clear is for the shimmering crown.